How TfL uses big data to personalise its marketing campaigns
How TfL uses big data to personalise its marketing campaigns Transport for London has the gargantuan task of carrying more than 1bn passengers each year, which means that the marketing team has an equally difficult job of keeping them all informed about upgrades and delays. To find out more about TfL's marketing strategy and exactly what it does with all that Oyster Card data, e-consultancy ( recently spoke to Head of Marketing Services Julie Dixon. What are the main marketing aims for TfL, as presumably it’s not about brand awareness? The role of TfL is to keep London working, growing and to make life in London better – which is a pretty big task! Put more simply we want to get people from A to B as quickly, safely and efficiently as possible, providing them the information they need to make their journey in the way they want to get it. Virtually every resident, worker or visitor to London is one of our customers. This includes people using the pu...