Interesting insights into instore wi-fi usage

Some interesting insights from a USA Mobile Audience Insights Report into usage and attitudes concerning instore wi-fi carried out by JiWire. Data comes from a survey of more than 1,400 randomly selected customers across 315,000 USA public wi-fi networks. The report is based on data collected from Nov ‘12 through Dec ‘12. .

Key highlights include:

The top 4 activities shoppers use their mobile devices for while in a store are  :

1. price comparison
2. find and read product reviews
3. find coupons and offers
4. access the stores website

Women are using mobile in stores significantly more than men 

Consumers are most likely to use their mobile device for shopping while in an electronic store (44%) - almost twice as many as the next category which is surprisingly clothing (26%), which is significantly ahead of big box retailers and restaurants - both 14%

80% of mobile consumers are influenced by the availability of in-store wi-fi when deciding where to shop - this is particularly so amongst younger consumers - but even the “least” interested shoppers, age 45+, are over 77% influenced by in-store wi-fi availability.

84% of mobile consumers prefer receiving complimentary, ad-supported wi-fi rather than having to pay for it with 65% happy to watching a 30 second video. Only 8% of consumers would rather pay for wi-fi than endure adverts.

SG-Retail are currently working with Zapfi to bring Zapfi's instore wi-fi solution to the UK. Zapfi are a leading European wi-fi provider working with major retail and leisure brands in Europe including 2 of Benelux's leading retail banks, C&A (Clothing), Quicks (fast food), Total (Petro retail), Delhaize, Cora (Supermarkets).

We provide deep customer insight. Helping retailers to understand who is in the store, with what frequency they shop, what they do when online in the store (including "show rooming" and an ability to send targeted and highly relevant messages.


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